Magazine Front Covers

 Wednesday 27th April 2022

LO: To identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes and conventions

I thought this one was interesting because of the colour scheme, the words & how it's monthly.

The masthead is "Migrant Woman"

The dateline is April 2014

The main image is a woman looking at something off screen (the person on the page)

The cover lines are quotes like "In Love With London" and "Treat your journey as an adventure.

The main cover line is "Treat Your Journey As An Adventure"

Usually the bar code would be at the back

A strapline is a line that sums up the brand or company in a line, representing the culture, identity and personality of the brand. A tagline is just another word for a strapline

Pull quotes are short excerpts from the presented text. They are used to pull a text passage out of the reader's flow and give it a more dominant position in the post or the article


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