
Magazine Design

  Wednesday 29th June 2022 LO: To create an effective magazine cover & DPS using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th July 2022 LO: To create an effective magazine cover & DPS using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 20th July 2022 WWW: I think what went well was the colour scheme & style. The font matched it. EBI: I think I could've been more creative with the amount of things on screen.

Shot Composition

  Wednesday 15th June 2022 LO: To understand the basic rules of shot composition Rule Of Thirds Images with leading lines Depth Of Field Shallow focus: Deep focus: Photographing people: Wednesday 22nd June 2022 I think we should find better places to pose. Just find better positions and places to make it all better. Maybe focus on one person more as well.  Reflection Tilited Texture Pattern Angle

Introduction To Media Representations

  Wednesday 8th June 2022  - The media offers the audience an interpretation of the world. - It is a RE PRESENTATION of the events, people and places. A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person - for example: all teenagers are gobby - not true. Nanny: - Small - Petite - Fragile - Female - Old Nurse: - Female - A doctors assistant - Lower-class - Less money - White Teenager: - Lazy - Gobby - Moody - Mean - Selfish Astronaut: - Male - White - Strong - Brave - Hero Football Player: - Muscle - Brave - Sporty - Popular - Famous How do people act?: Girls - Gobby & Naughty Teachers - Mad


  Wednesday 25th May 2022 LO: To explore and understand how to use InDesign for magazine layouts

Magazine Cover Design: Masthead

  Wednesday 4th May 2022 LO: Explore the use of Adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead The things they have in common is that they have... - Datelines - Cover Lines - Main Images - Insinuations - Masthead Music The work I did... Wednesday 11th May 2022 Before and After Wednesday 18th May 2022 LO: To use Adobe Illustrator Magazine Cover Design