Music Magazines

 Monday 20th March 2023

The man is looking front on so that you can see him clearly and where ever you go you can see him front on.

- What's on tv - Time inc & TPC connect

- Radio times - Immediate media company

- Tv choice - H.Bauer publishing

- Take a break - Bauer media group

- Good housekeeping - Hearst communication

- Glamour - Conde nast

- Inside soap - Nat Mags

1. 600

2. Closer, Q and more

3. online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form

4. The UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Poland and Slovakia, Bauer Media Audio owns leading brands including KISS, Mix Megapol, Absolute Radio, Magic Radio, Radio Norge, Radio Expres, Radio Nova, Radio 100, Today FM, Newstalk and RMF

5. Bauer Media Group is a diversified media conglomerate because Bauer Media reaches diverse demographic groups via its network of over 100 magazines, 150 radio stations, 70 podcasts and 500 websites

IPSO considers concerns about editorial content in newspapers and magazines, and about the conduct of journalists. IPSO handles complaints and conducts its own investigations into editorial standards and compliance.

Monday 17th April 2023

Music Genres

LO: To identify and explain different music

Musical genres - rock, pop, soul, jazz, rhythm and blues, country, hip hop, musical theatre, disco, k-pop, electro


Rock music, also called rock and roll, rock & roll, or rock 'n' roll, is a form of popular music that emerged in the 1950s and is defined as “a form of music with a strong beat”—it is difficult to be much more explicit about it. In the picture there is a man with long hair and his fist in the air. This shows he is into rock and roll, also by the clothes he is wearing. Also the facial expression and the skull on his shirt shows how he likes rock because it's hard core and so is things like skeletons.


︎Pop is a type of music, usually played on electronic instruments, that is popular with many people because it consists of short songs with a strong beat and simple tunes that are easy to remember. Pop music is often simply called pop. Synonyms and related words. In this picture you can see the creator, Ariana Grande singing. You can tell she sings pop because of the way she is dressed and the amount of makeup she has on.


Music that originated in black American gospel singing, is closely related to rhythm and blues, and is characterized by intensity of feeling and earthiness. Once again, you can tell they can either sing jazz, blues or soul by the smart clothes they're wearing. Soul has loving and gentle voices, firm and powerful.

Soul Music Description

They look smart in dresses or suits.

If rock and roll, represented by performers such as Elvis Presley, can be seen as a white reading of rhythm and blues, soul is a return to African American music's roots—gospel and blues. The style is marked by searing vocal intensity, use of church-rooted call-and-response, and extravagant melisma. They sound soft and warm. It is a blend of African-American gospel music, rhythm and blues, and jazz. Soul music is characterized by its emotive, bluesy vocals and its emphasis on groove and feeling. The roots of soul music can be traced back to the African-American experience. They sing about love a lot of the time. Rhythmic, riff-based bass lines. Rhythmic chordal parts on piano and guitar. Typically brisk tempo around 120 bpm or faster, dance music. some slower tempo ballads.

The first one is possibly rap because of the clothes and background. The second is opera because of what her hand is doing. Third is rock because of the way they look and dress. The fourth is pop because of the position and clothes he's wearing. 

Monday 15th May 2023

Music Magazines

LO: To explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines

The genre for the first one (hammer) is rock n roll, you can tell because of the font and colour choice. You can also tell by the clothes they are wearing. The positions they do are also rock related. You can also tell by the instruments they're holding. They are the sort of instruments you would use for a rock show/song. They are wearing things like leather boots, black clothing, and some of their clothing have spikes. They are also wearing dark eyeshadow which is common in the rock industry.

The genre for the second one (Katy Perry) is pop, you can see this by the fonts and more. The colour of the background is pink which usually represents the pop genre. The outfit she's wearing is unusual but gives the vibe of pop. The style of it is something similar to what you would see in a pop music video.
The font that says "Katy Perry" is quite a feminine font.

The third one (Jay-Z) is a rap  magazine, you can tell by the colours, fonts and what he is wearing. He's wearing a cap which is usually related to rap. The font is big and bold. And the colours are dark. The position he's in looks gangsta and so does the serious face he's pulling.

- Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader.

- Layout is the way something is designed, arranged, or laid out.

- Lexis is ​all the words and phrases of a particular language.

- Colour palette is the full range of colours that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface, or in some cases, a collection of colours and tools.

- Mise en scene is the arrangement of objects in a photograph.


Typography - The wide, big text towering over the band to make it look powerful. The band name looks like it's been scratched.

Layout - The main image in the band is laid out like the group is big and you focus on them.

Colour palette - The colour is black and white which represents rock.

Monday 5th June 2023




- The pop magazines are bright and very colourful - such as pink, yellow and blue (feminine colours)
- The images are usually of 1 - 3 people and the shot type is usually either close up or mid-shot
- The fonts are usually big and bubbly

- The rock magazines are quite dark colours like red, black and grey (masculine colours)
- The images are usually a group of people, but usually 1 - 5 people. The shot type is usually full shot or mid shot
- The fonts are usually big and bold

- The rap magazines are kind of masculine, dark colours like red and black and navy blue
- The images are usually one person but sometimes there is 1 - 3. The shot type is usually mid shot or sometimes full shot
- The fonts are usually, once again quite big and bold

Genre and Target Audience
LO: To identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes

You could analyse:

Colour palette



- Demographics look at the factual data like age, gender, marital status and income

Bright colours connote the upbeat nature of dance music and will appeal to the young TA.
Their facial expressions are happy smiles while singing, which could show that it's a happy song.
This is about Ed and Liam.

Monday 19th June 2023

- The woman is shown with a violin showing that the musical genre is classical and the violin is a prop
- Violins are expensive
- She is smiling and wearing casual clothes
- She natural makeup on which could suggest calmness

MOJO Audience

LO: To explore and define the magazines target audience

Genre: classic rock
Publishers: Bauer Media Group & Ascential
Target Audience: Over 25 years and upmarket and mature audience
Platform Average per Issue
Print copies 52294
Digital copies 10439

The 3 brands that have been most successful are the luxury brands with high quality and and offer a 'lean back moment'

What is it all about?

1 - Covers current and establishment
2 - Cover feature of an act
3 - The readers like rock, pop, soul, folk and classic

Middle class - The social group between the upper and working classes, including professional and business people and their families

Working class - The social group consisting primarily of people who are employed in unskilled or semi-skilled manual or industrial work

Upper class: The social group that has the highest status in society, especially the aristocracy

- How they access music: Spotify, YT or Amazon Music
- Hobbies and interests: he is interested in music and music artists such as; The Smiths, The Beatles, Dylan, Bowie, Pink Floyd and more
- His daughters and sons
- A professional with high disposable income
- He is fun and loving
- He loves music
- Because mojo covers the interest

Monday 3rd July 2023


Film (including trailers) - BBFC
TV & Radio - Ofcom
Advertising - ASA
Magazines & Newspapers - ISPO & Impress
Video Games - Video standards council


- Camera
- Editing
- Mise-en-scene
- Narrative style


Radio programmes target different audiences by the words they use. For example, Radio 1 uses words like "bruv, bro". In contrast, commercial radio can target a certain audience is by what songs they play - if they play songs from the 80's, 90's or any older songs, they would attract the older audience. Whereas the newer songs would attract the younger audience because it's more trendy and the younger audience don't know or like the older songs. They like to target older and younger audiences because as a whole they get more people to listen and so that's more money and more of an audience. Since they don't only target younger people, the older people have something to enjoy as well.

Skipped 4 & 5




To strengthen the brand image of the film and it's franchise so audiences develop greater brand awareness


P - Personal identity ---> Recognising themselves in the character
I - Information ---> Video game - more about characters
E - Entertainment ---> Interesting, fun, exciting, adventure
S - Social interaction ---> Talk to friends, talk about video game, lego sets

Monday 11th September 2023

Do Now

1.) What makes the magazine for men and women?

- The artist is Drake, showing that he's popular and appeals to both genders
- Some women find him attractive
- The colours aren't really feminine or masculine, they are just a mix of defaulted colours

2.) Culture??

- Sophisticated language
- Educated
- Posh
- Musical

Mojo U&G
LO: To explore the appeal of Mojo magazine to its target audience

Active Audience

Reading a magazine would be more active than watching a movie in the cinema, this is because you are using your brain, they decide which part they read, have thoughts and also have to turn the pages.
The choice to buy which magazine you want is active. Because you go into a shop and look for the one you want, therefore once again this is far more active than sitting in the cinema doing nothing.

Uses & Gratifications

P - Personal identity 
I - Information 
E - Entertainment
S - Social interaction

Personal identity - She started off as a pop artist in the 80s. The idea of being rebellious. She might look like a role model for her fans. Not a punk artist but looks like it in this photo. The fact that she has the christian cross dangling from her nose shows that she might not believe in that. Possibly going against it? This magazine juxtaposes how she actually was in the 80s.

Information - On the contents page you can gather info by the hot news and mojo filter section, in these sections you can find out who is singing and also how to get the albums and what they're called and things like that. You can also find out what sort of books you can get.


Entertainment - The magazines offer things you like, for example there are things that pleasure you such as comedy, gossip, free gifts, striking visuals and attractive stars. In this magazine, there is a free gift (a CD) which is called "HEAVY SOUL". This appeals to the audience because of the free CD. The magazines can offer an escape to everyday life.

Social interaction - Music magazines offer gossip that is social interaction because of the real life conversations. They also make you talk about the magazine with family and friends.

Monday 18th September 2023


P - Personal identity = Kate Bush does not perform anymore but people still enjoy her music even though it's from a different era
I - Information = It included people like Billie Eilish and had 135 reviews!
E - Entertainment = Free CD
S - Social interaction = The cover line is interesting and can appeal to the audience because it says things like "STRANGER & STRANGER"

Music Industry: Q1 and Q2
LO: To understand exam style questions and practise exam technique

Question 1:

1 - Ofcom
2 - BBC
3 - TV or radio what provides information, advice or entertainment
4 - Convergence
5 - Diversification
6 - Conglomerate

Question 2:

1 - The PSB can be met by educating the listeners on worldwide information to keep them informed on the news. They can also play popular music tracks to entertain the audience. Radio one does just this, by bringing in music artists, having live performances, playing trending music tracks, educating their listeners and informing them on important global matters. Upcoming artists are featured (UK artists, must appeal to 15 - 29 year olds). Feature talk sessions and advice.

Music Video Question 2:

Teenage Dirtbag

- American school
- Teenagers
- Prom/dance
- Popular girl
- Geek
- Jock

Sk8er Boi

- Skater boy
- Skater girl
- Ballet girl
- Has a boy girl narrative
- Illegal gig in street
- City
- Romance

Music videos show how they are different by different costumes, lighting, setting and characters. Sk8er Boi is different to Teenage Dirtbag by the setting. In Teenage Dirtbag, the setting is an American high school, and the characters are students whereas the setting in Sk8er Boi is a city with city folk.

Monday 25th September 2023


1 - Ofcom Yes
2 - BBC Yes
3 - TV or radio what provides information, advice or entertainment + for the benefit of the public Yes
4 - Convergence Yes
5 - Diversification Yes
6 - Conglomerate Yes

Q2: Explain two ways that magazines attract their audiences - refer to your knowledge of MOJO magazine to help you

Mojo magazines attract their audience by a free CD. A CD can make the audience want to buy a magazine as it is free. Another way is personal identity and who is on the main image. No matter who the person is, they could like their music or their genre or not and still buy it. They may even want to buy the magazine just because it is someone famous - they don't have to know them. - Mark 3/4

Music Industry

LO: To explore exam style questions and practise exam techniques

- Camerawork
- Narrative
- Editing
- Mise en scene

BBC - Public service broadcast has to benefit the public
Commercial - Make money, advertising - big audience
BBC - Meet the remit - younger audience, live music, newer music and artists, interview - slang

There are various methods for producers to target audiences. For example BBC radio targets their audience by age range. They play trending and new songs/artists which appeal to the younger audience. This is usually 15 - 29 year olds. The main aim of BBC radio is to benefit the public and meet the remit. They use live music and in their interviews, the artists usually use slang which is common for younger people. Whereas the main aim for Commercial is to make money by advertising. BBC radio also have a tv license so they can do more. But Commercial goes for the bigger audiences, therefore that means more money. They need to provide a wider range of content so that it appeals to all types of people - young, old. Live Lounge Commercial provides a wider range of audiences because of this. They play old and new songs and artists. So therefore appeals to more of an audience.

Monday 2nd October 2023

1.) Media language - visual codes - yes
2.) Industry - someone who owns a radio - yes
3.) Audience - the viewers - yes
4.) Representation - stereotypes - yes
5.) Context - the idea, background info - yes

Teenage Dirtbag representations:

- Nerd, looked down on, laughed at, not popular, dressed weirdly
- Popular girl, slow mo of her walking, dating the jock, pretty, close ups, dressed average, tight fit
- Jock, popular, dating popular girl, bully

Sk8er Boi representations:

Skater girl - rebellious, punk, rule breaker, group leader, illegal gig on top of car (stopping traffic), low angle shots, respected, city centre, bmxs, reckless, skater clothing, skateboards

In Teenage Dirtbag there are visual representations that are clearly seen. For example there are characters like the loser, jock and popular girl. The loser is shown multiple times being made fun of in some way. Whereas the jock and popular girl are friends. The jock is shown as the bully and the popular girl is shown as the jock's girlfriend. She is seen as wearing tight but average clothes, whereas the geek is wearing a wooly hat and has the typical stereotype look of a loser in an American high school. The jock is wearing a typical jock jacket and decent-looking hair.

In Sk8er Boi there are visual representations that once again are clearly seen. The skater girl is dressed as a punk, she acts rebellious and breaks the rules. The ballerina is only seen a couple times but she is seen as "too good" for the skater boy. She does not wear punk clothes. The skater boy is wearing similar clothes to the skater girl. They use skateboards and do an illegal gig in the city centre on top of a car.

Monday 9th October 2023

1.) The arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production
2.) How the shots are placed together
3.) Camera shots
4.) Diegetic and non diegetic
5.) Linear and non linear

LO: To explore the exam style questions and practise exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representations

Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from MOJO magazines

- Black and white --> older --> tradition, classic artist, seriousness
- Close-up --> facial expressions reveal emotions
- Text --> lexis, 'arise' , 'dark knight' ,  'saving his soul' , depressed, troubled past, questioning his path

The representation in the mojo magazine cover are that of a depressed individual, he is shown on the page as troubled and questioning his path. The colour palette is black and white which could show the depressive side. This could show us that he may possibly have a troubled past or show seriousness in the image. This could reflect on the audience because they could relate to the artist.

Analyse the representation of age or gender in the extracts from MOJO magazine

- Could link to murder --> serious looking and not happy, frowning
- Middle aged man
- Black and white
- Intimidating --> looking towards the audience with a serious expression

The representation of the mojo magazine cover are that of a serious middle aged man, the masculine look that he has shows his age and gender by the way he's dressed shows a dark undertone to men. Dark colours like red, black and white which are more masculine colours. The man has a serious facial expression while he is looking out to the audience. The look he is giving to the audience looks quite intimidating which can have the impression on people that middle aged man can be scary although it is just a magazine.

Monday 30th October 2023


1 - Shot type is the size of the frame relative to its content
2 - ???

Music Industry: Q5

LO: To explore the exam style questions and practise exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation

Is the media language different because of the genre?

Genres provide the writer with general organisational patterns that can help them arrange what they say and when they say it. For readers, genres help organise information so that they can more easily make sense of what they are about to read. Genre is the classification of any media texts into types or categories. Each genre can be identified by a range of elements that allow us both to recognise that particular genre and to expect certain things to occur within it. These elements are commonly known as conventions. So therefore media language is different due to genre because people like different things like songs, styles etc...


- 'babyboomer' generation - a person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate
- diversification - the process of vareying products
- audience address - how the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influences them
- discerning - having or showing good judgement
- house style - a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material

Media language:

- the codes and conventions of music magazine covers
- the genre codes and conventions of music magazine covers
- how intertextuality can be used to influence meaning
- layout
- typography
- colour palette
- images
- use of lexis
- how the media language portrays reality
- connotations from the media language choices

In this MOJO magazine you can see David Bowie as the main image and the coverlines say things like "he was always the coolest" this shows he was loved by many and has a large audience. The image shot type is mid shot - medium long shot. The colour palette is brightish colours like lilac, pink etc.

Monday 13th November 2023

1 - BBC
2 - TV license
3 - Ofcom
4 - Public broadcasting station
5 - Commercial - money - adverts - PSB

LO: to research the case study Annotate in detail the examples from the case study

Songs: original and cover

Cuff it - Beyonce
Dive - Olivia Dean

Guest info

Olivia Dean, 24 years old, in a band of 10, been in radio Rudimental

Quotes from the show to remember

"Olivia has the voice of an absolute angel"
"Makes Beyonce's songs sound easy"

Appeal to TA

Via the chat and younger artists and the younger presenters, keep it informal and fun

Inform, entertain & educate?

Standing ovation for her performance, entertaining through live music, live band with her

Innovative & cutting edge new UK music?

New music for Jungle in between - UK band


Who does it appeal to?

15 - 29 year olds

How does it appeal?

Through music choice, presenters, chats and slang

Which kind of audience are targeted here?

People who want fun entertainment

How else do Radio 1 appeal to audiences?

Using up coming artists, interviews

How is commercial radio different?

For money, adverts, mass audience

Who are their audience?

15 - 29 year olds

How do they appeal to the audience?

New songs

- Matches the age
- Got an interview
- Supporting Olivia
- She is an upcoming artist
- Telling us info

Monday 20th November 2023


Genre codes - genre conventions point to the common use of tropes, characters, settings or themes in a particular type of medium. Genre conventions are closely linked with audience expectations. Genre conventions can be formal or thematic

Intertextuality - the relationship between media products where one text references another text by reusing some its ideas and meanings (e.g. batman in the lego movie)

Typography - the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader

Connotations - something suggested by a word or thing (suggested meaning)

Lexis - the words

What are the contextual issues that might be reflected in magazines today? - more gender equality, technological focus (phones, internet)

Music Industry

LO: To explore the exam style question for Music magazine and Music video

Female - young, revealing, clothing direct audience address in image, mid shot

Yellow - warm, saturated, almost golden, idea of respect and wealth

Sans-serif - modern, clean, lower case, relaxed, informal, colloquial

Simplified - released, informal

Male - young, covered - suits, mid-shot

No direct address, lack of sexualisation

Saturated, bright, 60s - 70s colour - rainbow - reflects 1960s

San-serif, white, clean, upper case, modern, kind of shouting

Shows a sophisticated look in music, cluttered in contact, more exciting

This magazine cover is different to the one with Shakira because it's more "in your face" and colourful, the colour palette is rainbow themed and really suited the 60s, whereas the Shakira cover was more saturated and the colour palette was a gold-ish yellow, implying that this was taken during the more modern years. The fact that Shakira is wearing little clothing implies that she is more sexualised than the Beatles as a woman. This is similar to how women were looked at during the earlier years. The Beatles were not sexualised as men, showing it is usually women that get sexualised. The font for the posters are both san-serif, this shows how the text is clean and modern. In the Beatles magazine, it shows a sophisticated look in music and cluttered in contact, whereas Shakira has more space and informal. The shots are both mid-shots showing the closer up features of clothes, facial expressions, makeup etc.

Music Videos

Teenage Dirtbag:

Popular group - 'jocks'
Mise en scene - respected
Shot, costume, sound, editing
Low angle to look important

Geeks - not respected

American high school

Sk8er Boi:

Rebellion - fun, energetic, teenagers
Female leader - respected, context equality

Monday 22nd January 2024

November PPE

Film - BBFC
TV & Radio - Ofcom
Advertising - ASA
Magazines & Newspapers - Ipso & Impress
Video Games - Video Standards Council


- Creates a nostalgic feeling for the older audience when they listen to older music, whereas they probably don't listen to new music

- Unrequited love - Teenage Dirtbag. Rebellious - Sk8er Boi

- Youth

- Social group - representation of gender roles - different

In the Mojo Magazines it is clear to see that the magazine is based off of rock n roll, we can see this by the colour platte (e.g. black, red). We can clearly see that the font is large, therefore it may seem more rock like. The other magazine is clearly to do with classical music, we see this by the posh writing and gold, bright colours.

The media language used is very different. Which creates different messages. 

The typography is different by...
The image is different by...
The body language is different by...
The colour palettes are different by...


  1. 5/6- Good analysis of genre and work on audience today. T: 1. Pick out key examples of media language to analyse and link to how this impacts or creates audience appeal.

  2. 18/9- Great work today and brilliant answers for Q2. T: keep practicing applying U&G theory to texts.

  3. 20/11- Good analysis points here with detail. T: 5.Try to include an opening sentence that address the question and also indicates what you think about if they are similar or different.


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