
 Wednesday 3rd May 2023

LO: To explore possible tasks and research similar products

Create a two minute sequence of an original music video to accompany a song about not giving up aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds.

Hall of fame

Here comes the sun

Its my life

Life is worth living

Call on me

Carry on


Gotta keep your head up

I will survive

The show must go on

We are the champions


I'm still standing

Wednesday 10th May 2023

LO: To research codes and conventions of similar products


Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammer

- The song is a narrative. It's about a man who has a hard life but no matter what he doesn't give up and he always tells himself to "keep his head up".

- The story links to the lyrics because it says things like "but you gotta keep your head up" and he gets back up from his downfalls.

- The production levels are kind of mid.

- The target is to people that are feeling down and need some believing in.

- The music genre is shown by the video.

- He's in a city and at the beginning there are 3 men that throw him in a bin, that's just the start of his downfalls.

- It appeals to people who aren't doing so well in life and they might relate to it - could be bullying or any type of problem.

- The band/artist are represented as happy because of the positive energy they give off.

Wednesday 7th June 2023

- They include a fitness woman (the image), the name of the magazine (masthead) and the name of the person with what she says

- The main image is of a model for fitness - usually either a model or celebrity

- The colour scheme is chosen by feminine colours since she is a female - like pink. But also blue and white

- The masthead is behind her head slightly, it's pink and the font is big but average

- There is one image - the woman standing and smiling

- There's around 8 cover lines

- The barcode is placed on the front, bottom right corner. The masthead is at the top. The year of the magazine is in the top right corner

- The fonts are mainly big and bold, although some are as if they've been drawn with a crayon or drawn with something. This is completely different to the bold

- The house style is coloured blue and brown which differs from the others, it looks like a train. This suits the colours and fonts being it's quite simple and casual

- The production values seem decently high. The term itself is not technical, but rather used by laymen. A film with high production value is one that has been made with lots of money and effort

- An ideology is a set of beliefs and values shared by a group of people. In media studies, we mostly focus on cultural ideologies, such as the representation of gender, race and social class. Some critics believe the narratives and messages coming from the mainstream media are simply a reflection of society. But it depends on the person and magazine

- The right use of colours and typographic choices in your website design can help in creating a positive first impression on your target audience. While using right colour combinations helps entice your visitors, typography makes it easy for the viewers to read the content. Usually fonts like "serif" are used

- People and places are used by what outfit they are wearing and where they are which suits the outfit (most of the time)

- The target audience is people that want to lose weight or gain muscle (20 - 30 years olds)

- Things like masthead and see what the DPS has similar to the front ( DPS is two pages of the same article covering both pages of an open publication. If such a Double Page Spread layout is featured in the centre of a magazine or newspaper, it is referred to as centre spread.

Wednesday 14th June 2023

- Health and fitness magazine

- Typography: I want the test to be big and bold and bright colours to appeal to the right audience

- The image will be someone that is fit and healthy

- The masthead and logo design would need to stand out

- The cover would be unique with hopefully a spread out layout

- The content would include different work outs etc...

- The colour palette would be bright and appeal to the audience

- The DPS layout would have different work out routines etc...

Wednesday 28th June 2023

Target Audience

LO: To research our target audience to enable successful targeting

- For people interested in technology

- Men

- 30 - 50 year olds

- Interests

- Women

- Text

- Info

- Fashion

- Beauty

- Men

- Font

- Wealthy

Audience profile 14 - 18

- They may have a mixed opinion on school depending their age

- They could have hobbies of any sort of exercise or sport

- Probably urban

- Sport

- Once again sport and fitness (health)

- They would use social media to post about fitness and watch youtube work outs

- They would describe them as healthy and a determined person - ready to do the best they can

- They could listen to any song but maybe motivating songs? They probably would be fine with my hobbies but wouldn't want them theirselves

- Because it's about health and fitness which is exactly what they're looking for

Magazine Initial Planning

- Fit Focus
- ???

Wednesday 5th July 2023


LO: To explore and understand how to use InDesign for magazine layouts

Wednesday 12th July 2023


LO: To explore and understand how to use InDesign for magazine layouts

Health and fitness magazine for 14-18 year olds

1.) A brief explanation is simple – it’s main target audience is people from the ages of 14 to 18. To influence young people to work out or even just eat healthy. I am hoping to inspire them at a younger age so they can live a happier and healthier life.
2.) My magazine name is going to be effective and stand out to younger audiences. The name is going to be “Fit Focus”. This shows the audience that the magazine is about health and fitness.
3.) My slogan is going to say “Fitness building a better tomorrow”. This shows that the more fit you get, the happier you would be. This could also show that your life could get better. This will hopefully attract the correct audience because it will make them believe in a happier life.

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Do Now

- Bring it
- Goodbye gut!
- Take control
- Better, healthy meals
- Improve your body, improve your life

Wednesday 1st November 2023


- interview
- recipes
- how to (workouts)
- reviews

Article Writing
LO: To create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine/website using appropriate language, tone and representation

The elements we need in a DPS:

- headline
- page text
- written in columns
- images
- drop cap
- end in conclusion

On my cover, I will have a man working out or in the gym. On my DPS I plan to have food recipes, workouts and protein & health.

The article is about fitness and health for teenagers.

The images will be of healthy foods, workout sessions and steps and more.

The instructions will be things like how to do workouts and what to do. Also how to make a healthy meal for a diet etc.

The page numbers will be 1 & 2.

The font will be different to the cover.

The magazine name will not be on the separate pages.

The subheadings on the DPS's will be things like "healthy meals" etc.

The people in it need to be represented as fit and do daily workouts to motivate the audience/readers.

Refer to workouts and recipe

Wednesday 8th November 2023


    Good research into conventions but 1 analysis is missing

    Basic but good

    A good start - I like the masthead but look at closing the gap between the words
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens.


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